April 2020 Scheduling
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the effects this has had on all of our everyday lives, we thought we’d give you a modicum of consistency by informing you of our plans for Hillside events for the month of April.
All regularly scheduled events (Sunday services, Children’s Ministries, Tween Scene, Jr. and Sr. High Youth, etc.) will be suspended for the month of April, as we heed our government’s instruction to prevent all meetings of more than 5 individuals. Our building will remain closed to public access until a time for re-opening is determined. We will continue with our online service format each Sunday morning @ 10:00am, providing a time of worship, teaching and virtual “coffee time” fellowship. We are also exploring means to provide specific teaching for children during our service time.
Opportunities for connection with our Jr. and Sr. High Youth Ministries are in the works, as we understand the void created by the suspension of our regular programming.
We will begin providing H2H (House-to-House) group curriculum following the service on April 19, 2020 (posted by Tuesday) and have encouraged our H2H group leaders to explore means of meeting online, until we are enabled to meet face-to-face. H2H group leaders will reach out to their H2H groups in the near future with plans for meeting, so keep your eyes and ears open!